New Year Resolutions…

No Comments// Posted in West Sussex County Times Column by on 02.06.14.

We’ve had our fill of festivities and are now turning our attentions to the year ahead.

Starting with good intentions is a great way to begin but how often do we let them slip? Strategies, and understanding the need for them, is the best way of ensuring our resolutions are a success!

In order to do this we need to look at the more fundamental aspects of why we choose a particular goal, and piece together the quickest way to achieve it.

If we’re driving a car, the fastest, most direct route is often more preferable – so we’ll use this analogy to help us with our focus.

First, take a moment to consider what is most precious to you and try to incorporate it into your life. If we allow our hearts or ‘gut’ feelings to ‘speak’ for us, rather than using our heads, we’ll get a far more honest response.

How much time do you give to these priorities on a daily basis? And what can you do right now to acknowledge them?

Often, the things we most care about get scrunched into the corner, so we need to ensure them pride of place. Headmind worries tend to ‘clutter’ our focus – New Year resolutions are a wonderful example of this. No matter how much we want to achieve them, old habits, poor conditioning and other people’s expectations of us ensure them short lived.

So to maintain our attention on the road ahead we need to discover what we really want and make that our focus. Be realistic; don’t expect to drive from Lands End to John O’Groats in one trip, break it up into manageable chunks. Each day is an investment, so treat it as such. And praise yourself…we don’t do that enough.

Ensure the journey is your choice and not somebody else’s wish. Often, the sway to please others ensures our wants get put on the parcel shelf!  Take it at your own pace and appreciate this time is the start of something new, fresh and invigorating… where you are in the driving seat.

The journey is the point of the trip; it ensures your success and hence a sense of fulfilment.



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