About Mary

jane at desk - alex 3Mary Ancillette is a therapist and personal development teacher.

She was born in south London and spent most of her childhood roaming the Surrey Hills absorbing the wonder of nature. Since then she has experienced many personal challenges that for some would consider quite limiting. However, her abilities to see ‘the bigger picture’ and appreciate the lessons involved gain her the wisdom and compassion she now holds. Her ‘understanding’ on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels gain her great insight into the dynamics of a situation, ensuring a quick response.

Mary’s books, published by Completely Novel, include ‘Up to Me,’ a self help book designed to get people started, encouraging renewed confidence, improved relationships and profound insights into how to achieve your full potential, and ‘Perfect Choice,’ her debut novel, for those who want more from their days is a firm reminder that there is no such thing as a perfect choice; not making any decision at all though is simply not an option.

Living in West Sussex, Mary devotes herself to her family and her three businesses. With the view to developing a household concept – Life-Changing Moment – Mary’s experience gained in private industry combined with esoteric knowledge provides her with a ‘down to earth’ approach to life.

Mary specialises in Reverse Therapy, which is a revolutionary new approach to healing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E., Fibromyalgia and many other conditions by resolving symptoms through identifying and acting on the Body mind messages which underpin them.